The Global Internet Competition named “Straight to Wuzhen”, as a part of the important format of the World Internet Conference, is a year-long global event for the advance of digital economy. By exploring new technologies, new models and new formats of the Internet, the competition is an important platform for cooperation on projects, technologies, talents and investment between Chinese and global companies. The competition is committed to promoting global Internet cooperation and innovation, encouraging the startup of an Internet company, and attracting more talented people dedicated to the business. By making a precise matchmaking of the whole industry from worldwide, the competition has made its contribution to the common prosperity and co-governance of the Internet and the rapid development of the digital economy.
Contestants from worldwide may join the event separately held in China, in foreign countries or on the Internet, and the final is to be held during the World Internet Conference. It also organizes special matchmakings for projects, investors and talents to have the very elements of the global Internet connected, and to make the conference full of fresh ideas and innovations.