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Maya Schwartz

2019-09-02 14:17:51


   Maya Schwartz 是Yael 技术公司的合伙人。Yael技术公司是一个创新联盟,它将来自农业技术、医疗和工业4.0领域的企业家和初创企业联结在一起并为其提供支持。该联盟常与医院、大学、研究机构和企业等以色列国外的大型组织合作。 Maya与以色列创新管理局有着深厚的专业合作关系。

  Maya Schwartz – Partner at Yael Technologies, an innovative consortium that connects and supports entrepreneurs and start-ups from the fields of Aggrotech, Medical and Industry 4.0. The consortium works with the largest organizations in Israel and abroad such as hospitals, universities, research institutes and businesses. Maya has strong and professional relationship with the Israeli Innovation Authority.


  Maya has been working with industrial manufactures for more than 20 years, focusing on implementing innovation in traditional or advanced industries, advanced engineering, business development and management support.

  Maya于最近建立了PITCH —一个位于以色列北部的新颖独特的创业园区,旨在为企业家和初创公司提供支持,帮助其适应行业发展。

  Maya has recently established PITCH - a new and unique startup hub, located in the north of Israel designed to support and accommodate entrepreneurs and startup companies.

  • 联系人:叶李涛、朱伟娟
  • 联系方式:0571-85228836,0571-88229050
  • 地址:浙江省杭州市萧山区钱江世纪城广孚中心17楼
IPC备案号:浙B2-20080242-79 乌镇峰会互联网产业合作联盟版权所有 指导单位:国家互联网信息办公室