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Arieh Bar Zeev

2019-09-02 14:17:05



  Arieh graduated from the Israel Institute of Technology with a degree in Electrical Engineering and went on to earn an MBA from TEL-AVIV University. He once served in the Israeli air force and holds the title of Lt. Colonel (,Res).


  Arieh has extensive work experience and plays a variety of roles in his current career. He is not only the technical consultant of StartupEast, a high-tech start-up incubator between China and Israel, but also the business development director of QualityLine, a real-time manufacturing intelligent software analysis platform. He also serves as a technical adviser and an airworthiness avionics inspector to the Civil Aviation Authority of Israel.


  In addition, he serves as the Head of Electronic Department for MOD/MAFAT, directing and coordinating the development of projects, and was involved in the engineering development of Israel's first satellite. He is also the Deputy manager of Avionics systems at LAVI Project, responsible for developing avionics specifications and overseeing subcontractor activities. He also acts as an electrical engineering consultant on radar technology projects.

  • 联系人:叶李涛、朱伟娟
  • 联系方式:0571-85228836,0571-88229050
  • 地址:浙江省杭州市萧山区钱江世纪城广孚中心17楼
IPC备案号:浙B2-20080242-79 乌镇峰会互联网产业合作联盟版权所有 指导单位:国家互联网信息办公室