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2019-10-09 09:28:40


金沙江创业投资基金 主管合伙人


Allen Zhu 

Managing Director with GSR Ventures

  Allen Zhu is a Managing Director with GSR Ventures, where he focuses on investments in early-stage companies in the internet, mobile and new media sectors. Mr. Zhu led the Series A investments in DiDi, Ele.me, ofo, Yingke, and Shanghai Great Wisdom. Prior to GSR Ventures, Mr. Zhu co-founded eBaoTech, and also worked for McKinsey Greater China, where he earned deep consulting and implementation experience. Mr. Zhu holds an MA degree in international economics from Fudan University, and a BS in telecom from Shanghai Jiaotong University.

  • 联系人:叶李涛、朱伟娟
  • 联系方式:0571-85228836,0571-88229050
  • 地址:浙江省杭州市萧山区钱江世纪城广孚中心17楼
IPC备案号:浙B2-20080242-79 乌镇峰会互联网产业合作联盟版权所有 指导单位:国家互联网信息办公室